It's about time to get this blog started...for realz!!
Gosh....3 years ago I had a vision for this blog. Got it all set up and I'm sure you all can certainly relate...SQUIRREL! We all have them happen....and they come in all shapes and sizes, don't they?
So I am now making a public statement that I'm going to do a better job of posting here! I hope you all enjoy stopping by and visiting. Please share your stories and comments, too!! I truly believe we all have a story to share, and a lesson we can teach others. There is power and change in just having a conversation, isn't there?!
I'll be sharing from all aspects of my life, personal and professional. I thought about keeping them separate, but since they intertwine, let's just just keep it simple and all in one place!
So the "latest and greatest" in my world....
Personally....It's early April and my husband and I have been spending our "winter" in Laguna Niguel, CA. We are headed back to the Seattle area this week...and looking forward to the next several months in the Pacific Northwest. We are blessed to be able to escape winter "up north". This year they had a lot of SNOW! And California had a lot of much needed "Seattle like rain" I'm predicting a marvelous spring, summer and fall... the best months of the year to be there!
Professionally... 2018 was definitely a year of "transitions" and 2019 is focused on "new things"! My 8+ year business with SendOutCards continues (check it out at if you're inclined). The company had many changes last year...all for the best, indeed, but as many of you can probably agree...change doesn't always come easily. But I am even more excited about the company and the service we provide, and excited to continue building this business....AND a NEW ONE.....
Last fall I decided to take the plunge and follow a life-long dream of officially starting a custom sewing business. Many of you may not know..but I am a professionally trained dressmaker. I started sewing in the 2nd taught...and still remember the first thing I made! I'll share more details on my "Sewing Biz" page here, but short story version, I did it!! And I'm having a blast! So stay tuned for more stories there, too!!
Signing off for now... It's Monday...which is my usual "admin work" day...and the pile is still on my desk. Until next time...
Make it an AWESOME day!